Suppose that for inputs of size n on a particular computer, insertion sort runs in steps and merge sort runs in steps. For which values of n does insertion sort beat merge sort?
We could interpret the question as at what value will the runtime of merge sort start becoming lower than insertion sort
This can not be solved algebraically. Possible methods are:
Trial and error, taking a guess and solving till a final solution is reached.
but too difference is too large
We could play with , reducing by a margin of till we get to an approximate value
margin still high
margin a bit close
So, is best suited at ; playing with n still but increasing from 40 by 2
So, when n is approximately , merge sort starts becoming faster than insertion sort
We could reduce further starting from , using a margin of
to get a closer range that tells exactly when the value of n starts becoming significant.
but the difference is close
From here on ward the fraction gets uglier.
We could settle for
Using Newton Raphson iteration method
Solving numerically:
Newton Method =
We would solve this with a python code instead of solving it here manually.
We take to be 8, and a tolerance of
import math
# Define the function and its derivative
def f(n):
return 2**(n/8) - n
def df(n):
return (1/8) * math.log(2) * 2**(n/8)
# Initial guess
n_guess = 8
# Tolerance for convergence
tolerance = 1e-6
# Maximum number of iterations
max_iter = 1000
# Iterative approximation
for i in range(max_iter):
fn = f(n_guess)
if abs(fn) < tolerance:
print("Solution found: n =", n_guess)
# Newton's method: x_{n+1} = x_n - f(x_n) / f'(x_n)
n_guess = n_guess - fn / df(n_guess)
print("Maximum iterations reached. No solution found.")
The result is:
Solution found: n = 43.559260335587204
PS: We did a good job with the manual approach, we just did not get to a precise solution.
Using graphs
We could plot two lines on same graph
And use the intersection point to determine the solution.